A little news on networking; Putin now, again, rattles the Euro sabel.
Economically speaking, it's certainly a weapon in the WMD category,
only, one could speculate, far less elusive. Chavez would probably not be
particularly opposed, considering the backers of his wannabe assassins,
and Iran would most likely welcome a sizable reduction in the US war chest.
And Saudi Arabia, with trillions (one in WS and an estimated second trillion
in other financial institutions) of dollars sunk into the US economy?
Well, they're now talking with LUKOil and buying more Airbuses. Princes visit
Moscow. So, if the EU becomes a higher, and more stable, bidder, and Bush
then, no doubt, nervously starts barking about the 28 pages of the 911
report that he never released, things could potentially get much nastier.
Points for trying to slow the Beowulf behemoth are anyways awarded.
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