Drone Stuff Page for some info on the "flying drone/ mine killer project.
"Kill the mine not the people., "Wage peace not war." Albert Einstein, R@wman. Welcom to my note book
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah ! Yeah! As they say, "who care's" this issue is so Lady Diana & Mother Taressa till 911, now it might be
the new ground zero. Think about removing any legitimate reason to not believe we are the good guys, do something.
Friday, April 13, 2001
-hidden disasters waiting to happen--are buried around the world
in nearly 70 countries. And at the rate people are currently working
to find and remove these threats, the United Nations' Landmine
Database estimates the job will take another 1,100 years.
Potential victims don't have that long to wait.
Google search United Nations' Landmine Database
This is 10 times the number of Human
Beings that perished in the Holocaust
of WW2.
Do the math It's nearly half of the total
population living in America.
thegiganticheartlessmultinationalcorp.com Not Concept for the various steps.
1.) Budget this total project and map it out synchronous with the R&D budget
New IPO Dot.com
2.) Find the funding for locating the110 million land mines in all 70 nations
3.) Create a real time global map representing the 70 nations using NASA Land Sat
Radio X ray satellite etc.
4.) R&D the Flying Drone device that can find the land mine “Low & Slow”.
5.) R&D the Random Ground Drone device that can detonate the land mine on the site.
Factor in conductive polymers in the production costs
( Using Cell-phone and satellite chip technology to “announce that a land-mine has ben
detonated, so that it can be removed from the WWW real time map & from the list .Promote
this project in countries with radio & TV& video streaming of the mine
removal process.
( Using intagratedCell-phone Chip Technology to “announce that a Land-mine has ben detonated so that it is can
be removed from the WWW real time map & from the . (Creat a digital IGY map showing a semi realtime spot
representing the numerous mine fields in the 70 countries with video streaming of the mine removal process.)
Work with any body.
The land mine is an anti personnel weapon simply calling it a device denies the
fact that they are designed to kill and maim children.
I want to make a "Drone Land Mine spotter
with GPS"& What animal is this Idea most like.
Charles Mingus III Oct ,21 ,2001
The Wasp's & Hornet stings & lay eggs that kill there host when they feed!
One thing I always ask myself before I "design " something is what animal is this thing most like.
Then I collect anything I can find about that animal pictures, text & toy molds . In some cases the "project" is a combination
of several creature features. Examples of animal qualities in designs borrowed from nature are 1.) Mosquito wing = Windshield
wiper and 2.) Football Shoulder pad = Lobster tail. Real corn ball but it works if you also search in two directions at the same
ti IGY me. That way you discover things in a crossover that you might not ever find if you were not using a telescope on one eye
and a microscope on the other eye . I mean this metaphorically. Did you know that a Dolphin has 2 brains one that can sleep &
"dream" while the other talks and hunts for food also the shape of it's skull allows for not only sonar speech but fish killing blasts
down it's tuning fork like nose. Also note they share there labor like a bunch of Quakers. In fact they are a lot like Quakers they don't
make war like the Ant, the only creature other than human that does.
Land mine search ,Flying drone mine finder mapper,GPS.
????????????????????????? it was there!
... Landmines Detection Methods Using Swarms of Simple Robots Riccardo Cassinis ARL -
Advanced Robotics Laboratory Department of Electronics for Automation ...
This one is still at it
Results 1 - 10 of about 6,280. Search took 0.33 seconds.
Category:Society > Issues > War, Weapons and Defense > Landmines
pay dirt!!!
Robo mine bot...
UAV related >http://www.crest.gatech.edu/mission/nmission.html
http://www.telespec.co.uk/mainline.html [12/23/2001 4:27:50 AM]
© 2000-2002 Mingus Designs
ONE Concept : Drop a bunch from a plane float a bunch to the shore toss like a
grenade it finds the mine and blows it up sooner or later. Misquote wing
Windshield wiper analogy.
"Curly Joe" A random pattern land searching mine destroyer image
( these guys moove fast )
Think Flexibal Photo Voltaic Ribbed case+ Plastic Cup = Fly wheel with an arm +
Wheeley Body +Piezo Solid State Giro+motor battery + Cellphone GPS+ Other
micro controoler + A self powered selfe distructing land mine thumping toy ready
for the Wireless Game market. Via . 110 million Souls+ a Profit margin that includes
a mass marketed web prensence.
© 2000-2002 Mingus Designs
Oil Can + Nilo-wire Plastic Cup with a lid & straw...
© 2000-2002 Mingus Designs
1. Pulsing Fizzing expands ans contracts " Piezo Liquid " adds weight, to trigger
the land mine detonator device. Inflatable sphere and wheel control direction &
Tred ridges will ad bounce to the mine bumper. The method of inflation/deflation
is not mechanical but chemical & electro mechanical. So far the expanding vessel
[ will be] is rubberized Kevlar. Stranger than fiction see below .
I want to make a "Drone Land Mine spoter with GPS"
"Curly Joe" A random pattern land searching mine destroyer image NA
Rooling all over the ground like a herd of cats.
© 2000-2002 Mingus Designs
1. "Piezo Liquid liquid muscle" adds weight and volume", to trigger the mine detonator
device Inflatable sphere and wheel control direction & The addition read ridges will ad
sufficient bounce to the mine bumper on order to detonate it . The method of inflation/
deflation is not mechanical but chemical & electro- mechanical. So far the vessel is a
rubberized Kevlar.
Think Photo Voltaic ribbed Plastic Cup = fly wheel with an arm + wheeley +toy+
motor battery + cellphone GPS self district by thumping the land mine after
it calls up the virtual map via satellite and gives its position.
Now some of my BS ]
1. Pulsing Fizzing "Piezo Liquid " adds weight, to trigger the mine detonator device Inflatable
sphere and wheel control direction & The addition read ridges will ad suficiant bounce to the
mine bumper on order to detonate it . The method of inflation/deflation is not mechanical but
chemical & electro- mechanical. So far the vessel is a rubberized Kevlar. [ OK ]
"Wage peace not war." Einstein
What animal is this idea most like.
© 1998-2000 Mingus Designs
"We dont have any art we do every thing the best we can."
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NEW! as of Dec 2001
Ground Penetrating Radar
... Detection of landmines and minefields
And the winner is !
Foliage and Ground Penetrating Radar
... Detection of landmines and minefields. •,
Mapping of terrain beneath forest canopies.
For Further Information about Foliage &
Ground Penetrating Radar Contact: Dr ...
Internet2: Internet2 Website
... Showcase. Do you have a project ... examples.
Thanks, and happy holidays! [Past Showcases].
News Releases. ... Description: Managing the Internet2
project for future high-performance networking applications.
Category: Science > Institutions > ... > University Laboratories and Research Centers www.internet2.edu/ - 17k -
Fresh! 27 Dec 2001 - Cached - Similar pages
Reserch RE :
• Mapping of buried bunkers, cables, pipelines,
and unexploded ordnance (UXO)
Take a plane, fly it over a big piece of land with a 24,0000 dot-per-inch resolution
scanner, and get a survey that is accurate to one-tenth of an inch per vertical foot
of elevation. And it costs about one-tenth as much as a regular survey…
Aerial Digital Mapping And Photogrammetric Surveying Land & Mapping Services
Awards Intro
Robotics Institute: Robotic Subsurface Mapping Using Ground ...
... buried pipes, hazardous waste, landmines and other buried objects ... can autonomously gatherand process Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data. The ...
New technologies will speed up mine clearance
... CSIRO) to further develop CSIRO's ground penetrating radar system
to detect and
identify small plastic landmines. This system enables the detection of ...
As of 2001
This group has a real solid looking mill speck product profile
Enjoy your visit to our site! Please press your "Back" button to return to the previous page.
Or to return to Fortunecity/victorian/statue or smallartobjects home page.
Search 4 land mine @ Google:Search>http://images.google.com/images?num=20&hl=en&im
Disclaimer DIRECTORY http://www.sr-71.org/groomlake/index.htm
Page under construction
Ah but I digress ....
About Robert C. Michelson's Drone Project
FYI click a bar for mill speck Hardware info
Links Links Links
Thanks!! Steve F.
MIT Media Laboratory Sponsors
Acroname Robotics Kits
Lynxmotion Robot Kits Menu
Microelectronics Division of Lucent Technologies
Scientific American: News In Brief: Neutrons
for Land Mine Detection: October 30, 2000
Friday, April 13, 2001
For some in Bosnia, springtime
means time to find, clear land mines
here it is Date: 18 Oct 2001 00:11:20 -0700 From:
Cary Fisher sent these Links
somewhere in the the ufo community site is a link to steve neil's site .
RE: Drone project My idea is to use small swap able motor ,
motor ( they make small ones for bikes ) , or use a high tork
electric not sure yet what motor.
Be well
FYI About Robert C. Michelson's Drone Projec
Hi All
Search Land Mine
google search Drone
Wankle Moror
Ah but I digress ....
United Nations Mine Action Centre Category:
Society > Issues >
War, Weapons and Defense > Landmines
Landmine Survivors Network - Rehabilitation Database...
Service (UNMAS)
and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Landmine
Survivors Network ... in the Rehabilitation Database. The networks ...
Landmine Survivors Rehabilitation Database - Care and ...
... resources." International Guidelines for Landmine and Unexploded
Ordnance Awareness ... Office of Emergency Programs, United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF ...
Landmine Survivors Rehabilitation Database - Glossary of Terms
... Mine Database — A collection of ... map producing capability
(United Nations, International Standards for ...
[ More results from www.lsndatabase.org ]
Landmine Survivors Rehabilitation Database - Landmine Affected ...
... The United Nations Demining Database by United Nations
The World Factbook by Central
Intelligence Agency The Worldwide Epidemic of Landmine Injuries: The ICRC ...
Landmine Survivors Rehabilitation Database - Landmine Affected ...
... not represent the official views of the United Nations or any of its official bodies
or ... Copyright 2000 Landmine Survivors Network. All Rights Reserved ...
[ More results from www.lsndatabase.com ]
Summary of Land Mine WWW pages
... Demining Database; United Nations
Home Page United States: ... International Human Rights
Database Other pages to be ... mines; Ottawa Notebook;
Landmine Hazards in Bosnia ...
UN Mine Action - Projects
... In Angola. REQUESTING AGENCY : United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP). ... and
recorded at the national landmine database. 565 of these have ...
Virginia Tech AVT Links
... Technology Center at the EPFL; The Mine Warfare Association;
United Nations Landmine Database; The WWW VL Public Health:
Selected Topics - Landmines Detection ... filebox.vt.edu/eng/mech/AVT/links/links.html -
Students Against Landmines: Bibliography ... Treasure Hunt resources:
United Nations Landmine Database; Schools Demining Schools:
Factsheet; Schools Demining Schools: Teaching Units, Scourge of Landmines; ...
"Somebody Blew Up America"
The contents of this site are copyright © 1993,1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Mingus Designs
and copyright © 1993 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Charles Mingus III. The copyright holders
specifically prohibit reproduction, transmission, duplication or storage of this page or any portion thereof in any
electronic or physical medium, under any circumsta-nces. Reproducing all or part of this page
against our express wishes may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.
graypixel2k.gif grid-background.GIFgraypixel2k.gif
Thousands Expected to Surf Angolan Minefield Website
By Penny Dale, OneWorld Africa
Summary of Land Mine WWW pages
I did not set them up
Sorrry not all of the links are active
Lists of lists of WWW pages on LandMines: